Franklin A. Adolo
Franklin Adolo has been at the helm of AJCalebs operations in Middle East and Africa since August since 2013. Before joining AJCalebs, he worked for several years in the Corporate Banking Division of Bank of Scotland in the UK and was an Investments Banking Inter-Mediation Consultant liaising with Major American and European Investment Banks in Sub-Saharan Africa, The Middle East, India, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka and China.
Mr. Adolo has served as Chief Financial Officer for ECL limited, Middle East, Chief Financial Officer for Zhope UK limited, Chief Operating Officer for Hiladol limited and currently the EMEA Deputy Managing Director for AJCalebs Investments limited.
Until his appointment, he was involved in Middle Market Consultancy for some World top brand names. His consultancy career covers Corporate Finance, Bank Valuation, Business Development, Marketing, Business Advisory, Public Transport Funding, M&A structuring and Advisory, Financial Markets, Leasing, Hire Purchase, International Trade, Brokerage, Investment Inter-Mediation, Financial Modelling, Strategy Development and Investment Banking.
He has held board and management positions in Zhope limited, ECL limited, Hildol limited before joining AJCalebs Investments UK limited as Chief Strategy Officer Middle East and Africa. He attended several overseas training programmes within and outside the country including PRMIA Risk Management Training, Washington DC USA, M&A Training, Chicago, USA, Bank Valuation New York, USA, International Economics Training, University of Maastricht, The Netherlands, Advanced LBO Modelling, London, UK. Mr. Adolo holds a Master of Business Administration from the Prestigious Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine, London, UK and a Master of Science Degree Computer Science, University of Bradford, a post-graduate Certificate, Economics and Finance, University of London, bachelor of Science degree in 1990. A member of the Professional Risk Manager International Association (PRIMA). Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, Member Institute of Development Economics, Member Institute of Directors (IoD). Mr. Adolo is upwardly mobile and exudes self-belief and commitment to distinctive-focus. He is an entrepreneur with a strong focus on capacity development of African Economies.